UYLB Key 2 – Unlocking the Door to Worthiness


Key 2 in the Unlock Your Love Blocks® course addresses the blocks we experience in the sacral (or second chakra). This is an important key for those who have struggles around feeling worthy and perhaps are challenged with emotions of guilt or shame. This is also an essential key for those who have mother wounds or who have struggled integrating their life experience with their mother or a significant female in their life. This course will show you how you can unlock the door to abundance, creativity and worthiness.

Alternatively, you can do ALL 11 KEYS by purchasing the Full Course and clicking here.



Unlocking the Door to Worthiness
Key 2 in the Unlock Your Love Blocks course addresses the blocks we experience in the sacral (or second chakra). This is an important key for those who have struggles around feeling worthy and perhaps are challenged with emotions of guilt or shame. This is also an essential key for those who have mother wounds or who have struggled integrating their life experience with their mother or a significant female in their life. This course will show you how you can unlock the door to abundance, creativity and worthiness.

Topic 1 – Intro and the Sacral Chakra
Topic 2 – Freeing yourself from Shame
Topic 3 – Empathy and Feelings
Topic 4 – Co-dependency
Topic 5 – Mother Healing

Alternatively, you can do ALL 11 KEYS by purchasing the Full Course and clicking here.
To read about the full UYLB Course page, click here.

Note: If you are a new customer, on completion of your first purchase, you will automatically be logged in to your account and can start your course by selecting ‘Courses’ in the top menu.