Community Forum Guidelines

This is YOUR place for discussion, ideas, and connection. You decide how much and how often you participate in sharing and commenting with others.

The purpose of these forums is so that we have a place where we can responsibly share the deeper truth of our journeys and learn from and be inspired by each other’s experiences and insights on this program.

Our intention is to create a sacred space in this virtual forum for people to share and feel supported by each other.

We have put guidelines in place and understand there are limitations being an online group.

Our admins will do their best to ensure the integrity of this group is upheld. Of course, they may not always be instantly available. This is where your support is required to follow the guidelines which are in place as follows:

  • Use “I” language.
  • Be self-responsible in sharing.
  • No advice-giving.
  • No promotion, advertising, sales, or marketing of products or services of any kind.
  • No spamming or solicitation of funds for any individual or cause of any kind.
  • Please be as conscious and self-responsible as possible to not use this group to run down or defame any groups or gender.

In the instance that there is a perceived breach, the message will be removed by admin and the individual shall be contacted directly to discuss and resolve.We want you to get a big return out of your investment and this is such a great platform to discover, gain, receive and offer support. Our experience over the years tells us that you will get out what they put in, so jump in and get interactive by using this wonderful collective of like people. We are asking for everyone to take self-responsibility for their involvement and interaction in the group.Thank you for being a part this community,

Behave appropriately by ensuring your actions and words support learning and teaching for everyone.

Respect yourself and everyone else in your group. This respect explicitly includes Higher Vibration City teachers and admin staff as well. No harassment, bullying, physical or verbal assault.

Respect the privacy and confidentiality of others in this forum, particularly in live sessions, electronic or other communications.

Any personal or professional information is to be treated with sensitivity and respect. It is a breach of confidentiality to discuss the details of such information outside the confines of this forum.

If for some reason you are concerned about a question or comment from a member of the group. To avoid any assumptions or misunderstandings, always seek to clarify to allow for an explanation.

The forum is not to be used nor is it a substitute for counselling.

If for some reason you find any content to be provocative or disturbing, please seek support from our admin team ( or appropriate professional support for yourself, such as calling Lifeline on 13 11 14.